Our mission is to spread the word, one aura portrait at a time, that we are more than our physical bodies.

There is no good or bad aura coloration or size. An expansive aura indicates an expressiveness, a desire for connection. An aura closer into the body can indicates an inward focus, the need for solitude, or health issues. Each color ray has wisdom to confer, including positive and challenging aspects.
Our body is always calling in color rays in order to heal.
Keep in mind you are on a journey with the color rays that are present in your aura. If you are at the beginning of the journey you likely haven’t embodied the majority of the characteristics that the color ray can bring into your life. Awareness is key!
7 Live-Giving Color Rays Violet Indigo Blue Green Yellow Orange Red
Each of these color rays also vitalizes one of the primary chakra systems, or energy centers.
However, color rays have much more complexity and depth than just being the vitalizing color for an energy center. Read on!
Tenderness and open hearted would best describe this energy. The pink ray shows us that love is in the air, unconditional and deeply felt, it may be love for yourself, romantic, or more broadly, appreciation and gratitude for life itself. Love is the highest frequency, elevating our entire aura and those around us!
Physical and action oriented, the red ray exudes confidence, strength and courage. Think forward momentum. Red energy demands feedback, seeking to touch, hear, taste and see. Passionate and tenacious, this is the energy of leadership. Red is strength and courage, inviting us to live our lives through the lens of love, instead of through fear.
Orange is the vibration of originality and independence. As such, expressing yourself creatively comes naturally right now. You have drive, enthusiasm, confidence. The orange ray gives you a buoyancy that allows you to be spontaneous. The best part? This energy is full of joy. In short, you are inspired! To be inspired is to be full of life force. People are drawn to your charismatic energy. Dream big, and make it a reality--you've already aligned your energy for it!
IS happiness! When we are excited and feel good inside and out we are naturally more open and curious about the world around us. Being more open and curious helps generate social and emotional intelligence, which in turn leads to more happiness, perpetuating the positivity cycle. That curiosity also breeds a strong intellect. The yellow ray also supports us in taking up our “I AM” power.
The green ray is all about growth and expansion. It supports us with the energy of setting goals and the patience and tenacity to reach that goal. Green resonates with the vibrations of life force energy, determination, and natural healing ability and restoration. Just like nature. Think of a plant that pushes its way through the soil and grows up toward the sun. You are being supported to go for it! Whatever that “it” may be.
Gosh this is such a purdy color in an aura. It makes cosmic sense that such a beautiful color would tell us something of your beautiful being-ness. Compassionate, sensitive yet practical would best describe this energy. As a natural teacher, counselor, artist or parent, the turquoise color ray is supporting us with a nurturing energy.
The Blue Ray is inviting and supporting you in experiencing deep serenity. Likewise, seek to create harmony and ease where ever you go. Blue is the color energy of loyalty, devotion and service. The blue ray often shows up for the empathic and intuitive. And best of all, the blue ray supports us to communicate through our heart center, rather than through the mind only.
With indigo energy, your intuition is especially keen. Highly empathetic, your deep feelers are easily activated. Take note Indigos, there are pings and downloads from the universe available to you. This color ray supports all the different ways you may be able to perceive extra-sensory (re: psychic) information. Manifestation may seem easier with this energetic frequency, because the Indigo Ray activates the mind’s eye, supporting clarity and visualization of that which you wish to call into being.
The Violet ray is supporting the connection that we all have with our soul self or highest self that aspect of you that is all-knowing and eternal. With that stronger connection can come heightened intuition, deeper sense of spirituality and greater wisdom about our own life. Essentially we are “in flow”. When we are in flow we have greater access to big picture thinking. Creativity is our natural state.
White light is a blend of all the colors of the rainbow. Your consciousness is expanding to whatever degree is comfortable to you now. And the universe is telling you, good job, you are on the right path. Keep up the good work, you are embodying cosmic wisdom.
With the the full set of earth and cosmic frequencies coming into your field in relatively equal parts, rainbow energy is open and easy. Rainbow auras can help you feel balanced; both open to sharing with others and receptive to feedback from the universe re: what is next for you in your life. Some people call this flow state, which also enable those with rainbow entry to see handling challenges as fun!